September 18, we begin a 6 week IBS class on Evangelism during the Sunday PM service. It is a practical-theological class similar to the Marriage IBS. Here are some sample questions that will be handled:
– Why does my evangelism seem so weak? Why am I so easily discouraged from sharing the Gospel when I know I “should?”
– How can I be fortified to evangelize? How do I pack on some evangelistic muscle?
– Can we enjoy giving the Good News or must we be terrified of saying the wrong thing?
– What truths about God should fire me up?
– What does it mean to deeply care about and love unbelievers in my life? How do I prove that I care for them?
We will take practical situations and hone our evangelistic skills through the 6 weeks of this course. You will (re)read one book – Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J. I. Packer.
BBC, please encourage our men of God by joining us for the men’s “Preach a’ Thon” Listen, as the Men’s Preaching Discipleship group will each preach a 25-minute biblical sermon. These men have participated in a rigorous preaching discipleship class taught by Pastor Mike each week since the fall of 2016. Please support these men by listening to all of the preaching, or just pop in and listen to a few, as you are able. Refreshments will be served.