
Ministry leaders according to biblical standards.
1 Timothy 3:8–13

Andrew Smith

Pulpit Supply, Web IT, Conferences

Charlie Crane

Music/Sound, A/V / Tech, Security

Chuck Thayer

Treasurer, Bookstore, Library, Financial Secretary

Corey Lagunowich

Homeschool Co-Op, New Members & On Ramp, Cornerstone, Church Office

Gary Lozeau

Interior Decoration, Greeters, Church Building Maintenance

Jerry Fish

Lawns & Garden, Snow Removal, Grounds

Jonathan Ferreira

Missions, Evangelism, Home Groups, CONNECT

Jose Burgos

Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Ushers, Prayer & Communion

Mark Krans

Nursery, Pre-School, Sunday School

Robert Muto

Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Ushers, Prayer & Communion

Scott Farrar

Counting, Fellowship, College & Career, Chairs

Scott Goddard

Master Planning

Spencer Kennard

Video, No Go Production, Meals, Visitors & Welcome Center

Taylor Crane


On the third day Jesus rose again, according to the Scriptures. He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead. His kingdom will never end.

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(508) 835-3400

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